Empowered Perspectives: Interview with Zarah Bruhn from socialbee

In this interview with Zarah Bruhn, Co-Founder & CEO of socialbee, we talk about why diversity is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage for companies as well as the benefits a corporate culture of inclusion can have for employee morale, engagement, and retention

Zarah Bruhn is founder & CEO of socialbee, commissioner for social innovation, and European thought leader for diversity, female and social entrepreneurship and new leadership. In 2019, she was one of the recipients of AmCham Germany's Female Founders Award.

1. Where does Germany currently stand in terms of diversity in the labor market?

"Germany has made significant strides in promoting diversity in the labor market in recent years, but there's still ample room for improvement. While there's growing recognition of the value of diversity, particularly in sectors like technology and finance, there are persistent challenges. Women, immigrants, and individuals from minority backgrounds still face barriers to entry and advancement in many industries."

2. What are the benefits for companies regarding their effort to promote diversity?

"The German labor market is facing a tremendous labor-shortage and the effects will only grow over the next years. Companies simply cannot afford to disregard the talent pool available to them. If they prioritize diversity and inclusion as part of their company culture, employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their best work. In essence, diversity isn't just a moral imperative; it's also a strategic advantage for companies in today's globalized and interconnected world. And it's not only about hiring people. The fluctuation of staff is very high. In order to be able to retain employees, a diversity strategy is necessary. 

Beyond the HR aspect of it, it is proven that diverse teams are more innovative and creative. This diversity of thought leads to better problem-solving and decision-making, ultimately driving business success. Additionally, diverse workplaces are more reflective of the diverse communities they serve, enhancing customer understanding and engagement."

3. What opportunities and chances do diverse teams offer?

"One of the most significant benefits is the variety of perspectives and experiences that team members bring to the table. This diversity of thought leads to more comprehensive problem-solving and innovation, as different viewpoints challenge assumptions and drive creativity. Additionally, diverse teams are better equipped to understand and cater to a diverse customer base, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, working in a diverse team fosters cultural competence and empathy among team members, enhancing collaboration and communication skills essential for success in today's world."

4. Do you see diversity as a path to tackling the skilled labor shortage?

"Absolutely, diversity plays a crucial role in addressing the skilled labor shortage. By tapping into a broader talent pool that includes individuals from diverse backgrounds, companies can access a wealth of untapped potential. This is particularly important in industries facing shortages of skilled workers, such as technology and healthcare. Moreover, promoting diversity can help attract top talent by signaling to job seekers that the company values inclusivity and offers a supportive work environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. By embracing diversity, companies can bridge the gap between supply and demand in the labor market while also reaping the numerous benefits that come with a diverse workforce."

5. Apart from business opportunities, what else encourages companies to strive for a diverse company culture?

"Firstly, promoting diversity is a reflection of the company's values and commitment to social responsibility. In today's socially conscious world, consumers, investors, and employees alike expect companies to demonstrate a genuine commitment to diversity and inclusion. Additionally, fostering a diverse company culture can enhance employee morale, engagement, and retention. Employees are more likely to feel valued and motivated when they see themselves represented and included in all aspects of the organization. Moreover, embracing diversity can also mitigate risks such as discrimination lawsuits and reputational damage, ensuring the long-term sustainability and success of the company. Ultimately, striving for a diverse company culture is not only the right thing to do ethically but also makes good business sense."

For more detailed information please contact:

Barbara Biemann-Bennke

Manager, Strategic Partnerships, Regional Coordination & Events

Biemann Bennke