Game Changer - Not just for the Chip Industry: Dresden's Transformation in 21st Century Europe

Business Dinner in Dresden with State Minister Oliver Schenk (State Chancellery of Saxony), Christian Koitzsch (European Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation), Prof. Dr. Jens Krzywinski (Technische Universität Dresden) and Regional Chapter Chair Prof. Dr. Heribert Heckschen
Pictured from left to right: Prof. Dr. Heribert Heckschen, State Minister Oliver Schenk, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Krzywinski, Christian Koitzsch, Dr. Matthias Aldejohann, KPMG Law, Michael Salcher, KPMG AG

"Game Changer - Not just for the Chip Industry: Dresden's Transformation in 21st Century Europe." This was the title and main topic of discussion at our Business Dinner on June 5, 2024, in Dresden with State Minister Oliver Schenk (Minister of State for Federal Affairs and Media and Head of the Saxon State Chancellery), Christian Koitzsch (President, European Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation), Prof. Dr. Jens Krzywinksi (Co-Director Department Speculative Transformation, Technische Universität Dresden) and Regional Chapter Chair Prof. Dr. Heribert Heckschen.

Together with our members and guests from the Saxony region, our speakers discussed the opportunities and challenges that the massive expansion of the semiconductor industry brings. Will this be a game changer for the greater region? Will Saxony become one of the most prosperous areas in Germany? What will the greater region look like in 2035 and 2045? Are the challenges manageable in terms of workforce and infrastructure, but also the internationalization of the greater region's population?

While differing views were evident, one thing holds true: Political stakeholders and business representatives must make sure that society is on board throughout this transformation. The challenges are considerable, but the opportunities are all the greater.

As State Minister Oliver Schenk notes: "Dresden has had a long tradition in the field of microelectronics since the 1960s. Despite various upheavals, Dresden has been able to develop into the leading European semiconductor location thanks to exemplary cooperation between business, politics and administration and is now an industrial location with supra-regional significance. The establishment of the leading chip manufacturer TSMC has given Dresden's semiconductor ecosystem a further boost and made it even more visible worldwide. All regions in Saxony benefit from the dynamic growth of the semiconductor factories by directly and indirectly participating in value creation and jobs. With its excellent research and educational institutions, Saxony has created the ideal conditions to continue this Saxon success story. The government of Saxony is working on this with all its might."

A big thank you to all our speakers, guests and our sponsor KPMG for a great event!

For more detailed information please contact:

Heather Liermann

Head of Department

Membership Engagement & Development