In the final event of AmCham Germany’s Dresden Chapter this year on November 28, 2022, serial entrepreneur Dr. Jan Blochwitz-Nimoth, CEO of beeOLED, shared his insights on the widespread development that the deep tech hub in Dresden has had in the past 20 years with members and friends of AmCham Germany.
He began by explaining the difference between the terms “deep tech” and “high tech” or “low tech” and shed some light on his own experiences as co-founder of Novaled and Arioso. Following Dr. Blochwitz-Nimoth’s remarks, the discussion opened up between the speaker and the participants, covering the topic of what it takes to foster the founding and development of deep tech companies in Saxony. In addition to the entrepreneurial spirit, an excellent education and research landscape, a well-trained workforce and the international networking and cooperation of companies, especially with large technology-driven companies from the United States, has spurred and significantly supported growth and further development of this sector.
We would like to thank Dr. Jan Blochwitz-Nimoth for his insights and the participants for this informative and interesting event. A special thank you also goes to Hendrik Kamp and BIZ | LAW Rechtsanwälte for sponsoring the dinner.